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Animals' Home - Rejection Collection Boxer Rescue
Animals available for Adoption: 9   Browse | List ]
Animals available for Sponsorship: 0   Browse | List ]

Highlighted Dogs:
Myk Myk
Myk loves his people which include small children. He loves to play on the rough side with the resident dog which includes some play biting on legs so he would do best with another dog that can handle the play. He would also do great as a solo d...read more about Myk
Boris Boris
Boris joined us from Missouri on March 18th along with his buddy Kane. They have lived together their entire lives. Boris is the elder, at 8 years old.  We were told they both spent too much time in a kennel but did have some sort of backyard. W...read more about Boris
Tessa Tessa
Tessa's mom was found hiding underneath a house in Texas, where she gave birth to 5 puppies. RCBR took in Mom and 5 pups when they were only a few days old. Tessa's mom was a purebred white boxer, but we unfortunately have no idea on the dad.Tessa is...read more about Tessa