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Lilly Belle's Web Page

Boxer (short coat)  : :  Female (spayed)  : :  Senior  : :  Medium

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Lilly Belle is an absolute sweetheart. She loves everyone she meets and is happy to lean into them to get her back side scratched or for people to pet her. She gives sweet little kisses and actually cannot hold her licker, it's her thing. So, if you don't like kisses, lots of them, then Lilly may not be your gal. She has no hesitation meeting or greeting men, women, children or toddlers or older people in wheelchairs. She has no fear of people in masks or visors. She does not jump up on people - never ever has this even seemed to cross her mind, it is not lady like. She seems to really like my husband; I think she is crushing on him.

She is the most well-behaved lady! She is 100% potty trained and can go for hours during the day or all night without needing to be let out or having an accident. We set up our kennel, but have not had a need to use it, so she has not experienced having to stay in a kennel.

She has never tried to get on the furniture, she is more than happy to lay on her bed. We have recently invited her to sleep with us and she gets so excited when it is bedtime around here. She will prance across the living room when she is given the signal to follow my husband at bedtime. She used to sleep towards the bottom of the bed or behind your legs, but recently she has decided snuggling is great and laying behind me along the length of my back is a super comfy spot! She likes to burrow in blankets or is happy to be covered up too. 

Lilly Belle LOVES going for her morning walk or any other time you are willing to take her. Please keep in mind the temperature and distance, she is a lady of a certain age and can tire out towards the end of a longer walk. All you have to do is show her the leash and she is ready to go! Her little nub is wiggling.

Lilly Belle LOVES to go on car rides and stick her head out the window. She can jump in and out of the back seat of our SUV without assistance. However, if she has been out someplace socializing or on her feet for a long time, she might need a little help getting back in the car.

Lilly Belle thinks squirrels should be chased. She has seen a cat at a distance while on a walk and did not seem interested, however until she is really introduced to a cat, I would be cautious.

Lilly does not play with toys. She does not chase a ball or play with a stuffy with a squeaky in it. But she does enjoy a Kong filled with peanut butter.

Lilly likes to know where her people are. She will check on you and your whereabouts. Even while sleeping in her dog bed in the living room she will raise her head every so often and make sure I'm still there and once she knows all is right in her world she will put her head back down and check again later on. We think she does this because she is not a huge fan of being left alone. Maybe it comes from being given up after 12.5 years and thrust into a world with people she did not know and places that were not familiar.  We have discovered that she will bark if left totally alone in the house. She is not destructive, nor does she get into anything she should not. She will just bark once, wait about 5-10 seconds and bark again. We have closed the blinds and left them open and it does not make a difference. When my brothers’ dog was visiting, we left the 2 of them alone, they were both barking at first, but eventually it was only Lilly who continued. So, there might be some anxiety there, but recently when we came back from an outing, we did not hear any barking and Lilly was sleeping on her bed when we came in. She was given a Kong with peanut butter before we left. Whoo-hoo! It might just come down to her beginning to learn that we will always come back to her and she is starting to trust that.

About Lilly Belle

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Adoption Fee: $250
  • Species: Dog
  • Rescue ID: 20089
  • General Color: White with Tan, Yellow or Fawn
  • Color: Patches
  • Current Age: 16 Years 2 Months (best estimate)
  • Microchipped: Yes
  • Housetrained: Yes

Other Pictures of Lilly Belle (click to see larger version):

Lilly Belle Lilly Belle Lilly Belle