Boxer / English Bulldog / Mixed (short coat) : : Male (neutered) : : Senior : : Medium
Buster was sprung from "doggie jail" for the crime of wandering the streets looking for a new home. Buster was a household pet previously but his owners did not come to get him. That is good news for Buster and good news for potential adopters. Buster is a wonderful older gentleman.
Buster is a rock star dog! He is estimated at 6-8 years old and weighs 46 pounds. He is most likely Boxer/English Bulldog cross. Buster loves everyone he meets, loves other dogs, absolutely fine with our cat. He has been around 3 kids, 5, 8, 10, and is perfect with them. He doesn’t jump or bark and is completely housebroken. He can be crated but can be left loose in the house. He is very quiet around the house. He loves his naps, but also enjoys some good playtime. His favorite thing is to play tug. He will destroy any toy or stuffy that he can. But if you get him some tough toys he will play with those. Buster is funny and has a great wiggle butt!
More about Buster IIGood with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Kids