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![]() I knew Reggie was special when I first met him. He was found as a stray and ended up at a shelter in Texas. He was then transported up to Minnesota. He seemed to know we all cared about him and he trusted all of us. Reggie loved walks, squeaky toys and comfy places to lay his big head! I am thankful to have walked him in his first snow. I am thankful I provided him with a Boxer family who gave their dog beds and forced snuggles every day of his 10 days with us. His Boxer family never left his side, we knew he was hurting but he was strong and oh so brave until we said goodbye...... ![]() Ritzy Roo: About 2 years ago, RCBR showed me photos of three very neglected Boxers who were coming into rescue and asked if I was interested in any of them. I don't think I was ever asked before nor did I ever pick one before, but this guy's face was just the most broken looking boy, and I knew it was him that should come to my house! On transport, his breath was the worst of the worst (later our vet said he has never seen such an awful mouth) and drove with the windows down just to be able to breathe! The poor guy had heartworms, whipworms, hookworms, severely emaciated…. just for starters. Went through the process of taking care of his heartworms. I still felt so bad because his mouth had to hurt something terrible, so after being heartworm free, we got that fixed as well. This boy was such a lover of life! He loved to chase everything - every leaf, every bag, every squirrel and chipmunk and anything that would possibly mov.! He had me down flat more than once! Sadly he developed a bad case of separation anxiety. Thankfully after about 3-4 months, Ritz realized we weren’t leaving him and began to get better. After all he must have been through, I felt so badly for him! Being the true Boxer he was, Ritz made us laugh time and time again. He made me get moving in the morning! Ritz made it to nearly two years of the good life but little did I know when I came home from my vacation, it would be his time. I'm so grateful for the time we had with Ritzy Roo! ~ Mary ![]() Sweet Rocko’s time with us was far too short. Pulled as an emergency case from IACS and taken immediately to the ER vet where it was determined that he was almost certainly suffering from a brain tumor. His owners surrendered him after days of back to back seizures and inability to walk. Sweet Rocko was distant, and clearly suffering. While we were unable to save Rocko, he had lived a long life before making it to IACS, and touched our hearts in such a short time. ![]() Joel and I got into fostering believing that we were safe from never having to make the decision to “Lift Up” another animal, sadly there are no guarantees when you foster. Except there is a chance a dog will come along and steal your heart, and then by no fault of their own your heart can also be broken. So, it is with broken hearts that we are sharing the news that Rocky has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Rocky came to us as an owner surrender on April 7th. He quickly became my shadow following me everywhere. All he wanted to do was be by his people, whether that was on the floor in my office or in my mom’s room when caring for her, in the chair downstairs at night by our bedroom or taking up most of the couch. We referred to him as a couch watermelon. He was a big boy, weighing in a 101lbs! He loved to go for walks with Joel and he had a surprisingly fast pace for a pooch his size. His favorite toy was anything that squeaked, he enjoyed treats and peanut butter kongs and he also gave the sweetest little kisses. 2 weeks after Rocky came to us he started having seizures. He started medication that made him so very tired and so incredibly unsteady, which was hard on such a big boy. He then saw a neurologist who gave us the devastating news that his seizures were most likely due to a brain tumor. His meds were changed in the hope to decrease any possible swelling in his brain and continue to control the seizures. This medication made him pace for hours at a time while more symptoms began to appear. His hearing was affected, and his sight was compromised as he started to bump into things and stumble. When he began to have difficulty standing and eating, we knew this was not the life that Rocky wanted or deserved to live. After enjoying one of my famous half pound cheeseburgers Rocky was “Lifted Up” peacefully on Thursday May 28th with Joel and I by his side, surrounded by love. Rocky was an extremely sweet soul whose presence we already miss very much. ![]() A true sweetheart. She must have been loved at some point. She was covered in lesions and a bloody mess. I made her as comfortable as possible and just loved on her. She was such a gentle spirit and took it all in with such ease. Roma was deemed a hospice case; we just waited for her to tell me when it was time. She did. Crying as I'm writing this. She was a good baby and she meant something to us. Click a letter to find an animal or view all.